Polytube Dryer Series (PD-Series) gas dryers contain multiple Nafion™ tubes allowing for a higher volume of gas movement in a shorter sample path. The PD-Series offers our highest drying capacity. It is the ideal choice for both high and low flow gas drying applications.

Polytube (PD) Series Gas Sample Dryers
How it Works
Unlike our other single-tube gas dryers, Polytube Dryer Series (PD-Series) gas dryers contain multiple Nafion™ tubes allowing for a higher volume of gas movement in a shorter sample path. Due to a greater surface area of Nafion™ tubing the PD-Series offers our highest drying capacity.
While the partial pressure of water in the purge gas is less than in the sample gas, Nafion™ polymer will selectively transfer water vapor from the sample gas across its membrane and into the purge gas flow, yielding a drier sample gas at the sample gas output.
Application Spotlight: Polishing Sample Gas with PD Dryer
The ability to accurately measure gas components and concentration is essential to optimize production and meet regulatory requirements. “Polishing” a sample gas refers to further drying the sample after the thermoelectric cooler to achieve an even lower dew point which helps to provide greater analytical accuracy and protects the sensors and analyzer from the potentially harmful effects of water.

Performance by Model
The performance curves below are based upon a sample inlet dew point of 20°C and purge flow rate of 2x the sample flow rate. Consult our team for operation with sample gases condensing above ambient temperature.
psid (psi-differential) = [sample gas pressure at inlet (psig)] – [sample gas pressure at outlet (psig)], based on atmospheric pressure at outlet.
Nafion™ Polymer Selectivity
Determine Nafion™ Polymers permeability to different chemicals.